
动作片(1).52)(背景) by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

这是一个强大的配乐, with explosive rhythms creating a tense atmosphere, transporting the listener to the heart of the action scenes. 
适合蒙太奇, 商业视频和开场白, 科学,医疗, 技术, 旅行, 生活方式和健康视频. Also good for startup,app, promos, explainers, uplifting and inspiring...
预告片电影 &“多元宇宙&”;
一个黑暗, dramatic and motivational 电影 piece with deep piano, 史诗般的鼓, 电影 stacatto strings and horns, 大提琴独奏, 垫, 图片。, 立管和fx. Ideal for cinnema trailers, teasers,...
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, trailerscartoons, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Disturbing electro track because it is not usual. Arpegiated synthesizers evolve on a sub bass without drum to slowly arrive towards an acidic and sharp rhythm.
Great Latin Elevator 音乐 - Audio Track
Bossa Nova Elevator 音乐 track with soft guitar, 黄铜, bass and smooth rhythm and percussionThis latin Muzak would be perfect in the background at a restaurant, 在背景音乐中演奏...