15 Stylish Joomla模板摄影

如果你正在为你的新Joomla摄影网站寻找一个令人印象深刻的模板,你很幸运! 我们收集的Joomla摄影模板配备了精美的设计,促进优雅和酷的风格. 你的照片肯定会发光,你会设法吸引新客户只需点击几下! 每个主题都易于安装和理解,允许任何人创建一个梦幻般的投资组合. 不要相信我们? Just take a look at the best designs we have!

每个专业或业余摄影师必须能够推广他/她的工作,并得到他人的认可. 找到最令人印象深刻的在线主题是创建一个精彩的在线投资组合的第一步,这绝对会在你的优势中发挥作用!

All our Joomla模板摄影 are original and unique, 让你从浏览者登陆你的页面的最初几秒钟就给他们留下深刻印象. 更重要的是,作为现代模板,每个主题都支持100%的可扩展性和动态效果. To help you start in the online world, 每个布局是SEO准备,并允许完整的定制和简单的配置.


Don’t hesitate to browse our collection of 艺术 & 文化Joomla主题 充分了解专用Joomla艺术家模板的有用性和美感

选择最好的 Joomla模板摄影 确保你的才能在网络世界中得到充分体现,并吸引新的人才, 高质量的客户!


有了个人作品集Joomla模板,你就有机会创建一个神话般的作品集. The general design is based on elegance and simplicity, highlighting your work and attracting the eye towards the important elements. 动态视差效果与其他现代功能完美结合,如响应式设计和现成的SEO.


I found 'Template og体育首页' to be an excellent resource for website templates. The variety templates are of exceptional quality. I also contacted customer service help desk with a few queries, and was most impressed with the service. 很好.

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Jacob Joomla Template

An astonishing template that combines the beauty of large, impressive photography and scenic urban images! 如果你想给你的观众和潜在客户留下深刻印象,这个模板是完美的! 设计简洁优雅,从一开始就提升您的形象. The Jacob Joomla Template is dynamic offering a gorgeous online experience!


It is responsive, also it is pretty easy to understand the design.

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照片组合Joomla模板是为那些想要自豪地展示自己作品的有才华的摄影师创建的. 更, this modern and responsive design will definitely attract possible customers, 让你发展和成长. 视差效果和允许滤镜和动画效果的内部页面是完美的印象和说服!


We just let our customers choose from the amazing template monster library..Once they choose a template for their portal ,we base our sites on..This template is really top notch with clean tags and clear instructions..

its responsive design is very well designed..

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Professional Photographer Joomla Template

This template is perfect for both beginner and professional photographers. Due to its dynamic layout with parallax effect and background video, the design highlights your work and creates a beautiful, 独特的经验. The Professional Photographer Joomla Template is versatile and flexible, allowing you to completely personalize your site.

claudi c.


Its easy to buy and you always get super support..

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摄影总监Joomla Template

The Photography Director Template is a true work of art! With large sliders to present your best pieces and a simple, 令人印象深刻的设计, this theme is the best choice for your portfolio. 布局是完全响应和使用圆圈来创建一个独特的风格. 背板易于理解和使用,让您可以轻松定制.

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Photographer Portfolio Joomla Template

If you love nature and breathtaking landscapes, 摄影师作品集响应式Joomla模板是展示您作品的最佳选择. 该设计是100%响应,并实现了一系列的过滤器和动画效果,以增强您的页面的美感. 人们会对模板的优雅和页面的动态印象深刻.

Eranga L.

Great template and excellent service.

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Mike Smone Joomla模板

You can impress your possible clients with large, 高质量的背景图像,创造了一种美妙的深度感. 动态视差效果和华丽的整体设计会给人留下深刻的印象. The theme is easy to browse through and allows for great customization.

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Photographer Portfolio Responsive Joomla Template

This is a template that will grab your viewer’s attention! With a huge main slider that engages the user’s senses, 一个响应式的, 现代设计, this layout will be of great help with your photo portfolio. The theme is extremely easy to use and allows for complete customization.



几分钟就安装好了. 文档对我帮助很大.

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Freddie Joomla模板

具有完全响应式设计, Freddy Joomla模板使用一个大滑块来吸引观众的注意力. 内页遵循网格样式的布局,将您的工作置于聚光灯下. 背景的蓝色暗示着快乐和乐观,提升了气氛.


Always you buy templates, everything is fine...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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一个简单而友好的格式,旨在帮助业余和专业摄影师展示他们的作品. 灯光主题使用了大量的开放空间和一个大滑块来创造一个乐观的浏览氛围. The template is SEO ready and allows for 100% scalability and customization.

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This theme uses classy colors to create a professional page. 这种设计促进了专业的色彩对比,吸引了人们的眼球,让用户产生了更多的好奇心. 现代特色, 动态效应, and stylish design create an attractive layout for professional photographers.

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Photographer Portfolio Responsive Joomla Template

照片工作室模板使用深,强大的色彩沉浸在一个优雅的气氛观众. 您的图片将使用网格结构以独特而引人入胜的方式结合图像和文本,以样式显示. The template is 100% responsive and supports modern features.

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增进友谊, 浪漫的气氛, 这个摄影工作室模板使用的设计让你想到Instagram和分享美丽时刻的乐趣. 该主题配备了能够显示高质量图像的大型滑块. A fully responsive theme shows you are open to new possibilities.


Photographer Portfolio Joomla Template

This photography Joomla theme worth your attention. 它的完全响应式布局允许用户在任何现代设备上浏览未来的网站. 模板是搜索引擎友好,这意味着潜在的客户会找到你的项目在网上很容易.

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Photographer Portfolio Joomla Template

通过这个专业设计的Joomla主题来展示您的照片. 它配备了一个推荐部分,在那里你可以添加感谢客户的积极反馈. 博客页面将有助于发布与设计和摄影相关的最新新闻和有趣的文章.


This was the first template I bought in three years. The quality of the template was at least the same as before. I almost fell from my chair when I opened the documentation. 很完美!

With that kind of documentation the installation was a breeze. Especially the possibility to import all settings using dump.SQL为我节省了数小时的工作.

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1) Installation of all required language packs.
2) Installation of language switcher on the website.
3)安装多语言插件,带有用户友好的管理面板,用于翻译(不重复文章), 菜单, 类别, 设置等).
Multilanguage will be provided by our Service Center.

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Maria is a great copywriter and just a nice person. She likes to write about web design and template solutions. Besides that, she is a cross-fit fan and a passionate artist. LinkedIn



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